2010年2月18日 星期四

Zhongshan Road , Lukang

鹿港五福街早期為販賣自碼頭區進口的貨物,商品種類繁多,各有特色,為讓來此消費的買客避免受到炎陽、雷雨及冬季九降風的侵襲,街道兩旁的商家共同搭起亭蓋遮棚,中間開有天窗採光,而下雨時雨水沿著亭頂順流排入落水管,因此不論陰晴寒熱,走在五福街中購物就不受天候的干擾,這就是全台獨一無二的『不見天』街,清代名儒洪棄生曾如此形容:『樓閣萬象,街衢對峙,有亭翼然,亙二、三里,直如弦,平如砥,暑行不汗身,雨行不濡履。』貼切的說明不見天街的景象。 到了日治時期,日人引進西方觀點的都市計畫,以改善居家衛生環境為理由,在昭和八年(1933年)由台中州知事竹下豐次指令鹿港實施市區改正,強制拆除不見天街及兩旁商家第一進建築,昭和九年十月將原本約四公尺街區拓寬為十五公尺道路;市區改正後的五福街屋立面都重新改建,採用鋼筋混凝土材料,洗石子工法,塑造當時流行的『現代藝術裝飾式樣』,整體外觀顯得簡潔有力,成為老街特殊的風格。

2009年12月27日 星期日

Lugang, Taiwan / 鹿港車站

Lugang, Taiwan

位置 :彰鹿路、青雲路路口北側。





Location: Chang Lu Road, Tsing Wun Road intersection north.


In the fifties Lukang for the region's major land transportation vehicles, one operated by Changhua sugar, designed to transport sugar cane, sugar and other goods ... and so on, and because the narrow track and train a smaller pattern, was the former people known as the "pint-sized car." After years of closure of the status of construction, the recent near completion.Appearance imitation of the original station building, Sugar and products intended to be exclusive of open field.

Previously there are two sugar mills Lukang dedicated railway, one leading to the present Changhua City, and the other one is leading to the town of Xihu Xihu sugar. During the Japanese occupation, since it belonged to two different sugar sugar iron club, so has its own station; to chihu sugar iron, the station is located at the Man Mo Temple in Lukang side parking lot; while going to Changhua sugar iron, the reconstruction of the station in the current TSC station. Later, after the retrocession of Taiwan, Taiwan Sugar Corporation was the management of these two lines right into one.

Lukang sugar iron is not only carrying sugar cane, but also handle passenger services, such as sugar to Changhua Railway Station in Changhua, Changhua Railway Station is located behind the present, people can buy tickets on this train to Lukang and Lukang Iron is unique among sugar is used in railway sleepers, in order to save on maintenance and replacement costs are not using wood, but concrete.

Today we have seen in the TSC Lukang Lukang station, is actually not the original sugar iron station, the old station did not lag behind in the sugar industry have been dismantled light, such as inter-sugar iron Lukang in Changhua, we In order to strike while the iron house in the vicinity of today's Lukang ping 60,000 yuan to build a house and the railway workers removed, but at that time Lukang ports, rail, it is easy to imagine scenarios Lukang past prosperity.

設計者: Google SketchUp 達人 Kenddie's 3D
使用軟體: Google SketchUp
設計團隊: TaiwanSPM

2009年12月26日 星期六

Lugang, Taiwan / 鹿港街長宿舍





Lukang Street, Long Quarters

Category: historic buildings
Create Age: Showa 10 (1935)
Address: Lugang Town, No. 2, Lane 160, Ming Chuan Rd

Taisho 9 years (1920) Taiwan's local administrative restructuring, Lukang became Lugang Street, Taichung County, Changhua County. Block after the reform, the construction of Lukang Street at town hall (now the town hall), as the highest administrative organ Lukang from Showa 10 (1935) April 1 Xing workers, which lasted more than 6 on October 20 the same year to complete.

Showa 10 years in the town hall Lukang Street, Long Street, adjacent to the construction of dormitories, as a street-long mansion, Lukang Street, Street, a long established one, the first street by the Ha Long Chen Huaicheng as rural Qingchang OK, second Street, a length of Japanese Yoshida Hidejiro, dormitories is completed, Yoshida Hidejiro is the first street into a long dormitory.

設計者: Google SketchUp 達人 Kenddie's 3D
使用軟體: Google SketchUp
設計團隊: TaiwanSPM